Sunday, February 23, 2025

Urgent Warning! Do Not Take “Crypto Assistant” Jobs Making You Part Of Money Laundering Schemes!

Spread financial intelligence

The German BaFin warns again about jobs offered through the website GWOCAPITAL ( The website claims that GWO Capital GmbH, registered in Germany, would be the operator, and the job offer would come from it. The scammers use the identity of this German company to recruit job applicants as financial agents. The offered job is to receive payments from third parties as a “Crypto Assistant” via their German bank account and forward them or convert them into cryptocurrencies. Stay far away!

The uncomfortable truth is that with the job, you become a part of the money-laundering system of cybercriminals and scammers. The funds transferred to the “Crypto Assistant” bank account originate from scam victims who have themselves fallen for fraudulent offers from scammers. BaFin points out that “Crypto Assistants who support money laundering through their bank accounts may be liable to prosecution by acting as financial agents of the scammers.

The alleged registration of the “Crypto Assistant’s” private account with the relevant tax authority is not provided for by law and is not carried out. BaFin has already pointed out fraudulent job offers several times.