Friday, September 20, 2024

Regulated Estonian crypto payment processor Isunext vanished?

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Isunext is the trading style of the crypto payment processor XFinances OÜ, registered and licensed as a crypto payment processor in Estonia by the FIU as the competent regulator. The beneficial owners of XFinances OÜ are the Latvians, Pavels Krasovskis and Rooba Urmas. The company is a part of the so-called Latvian Racket and has facilitated scams like XFinances, eXFinances, or Zurich Invests. For several days now, the company’s website has been unavailable. Visitors receive the error code 523.

Key data

Trading nameIsunext
Business activitycrypto exchange
crypto payment processor
Legal entityXFinances OÜ
Related individualsPavels Krasovskis (Latvia), born in June 1973
Rooba Urmas (Latvia), born in Oct 1966
RegulatorFIU Estonia
Facilitated scamsXFinances, eXFinances,
Zurich Invests
and other Latvian Racket

XFinances, eXFinances, and Zurich Invests are only three of dozens of scams operated by the many legal entities of the Latvian Racket:

Ultimate Beneficial Owners XFinances Pavels Krasovskis and Rooba Urmas

The circumstantial evidence suggests that this Latvian group is connected to both the scams and the payment processor Isunext. Let’s call it the “Latvian Racket” for now.

XFinances had a bank account with the Lithuanian e-money institution Epayblock, which had its license revoked by the competent regulator Bank of Lithuania in November 2021. An audit by the regulator revealed that Epayblock had massive money laundering problems. In addition, the regulator stated that Epayblock also appeared to have facilitated illegal transactions.

In addition to XFinances, the regulated crypto payment processor Futurus X OÜ d/b/a MrBit or MisterBit has also facilitated Latvian Racket‘s scams.

Share information

If you have any information about XFinances, Isunext, its operators, and partners, please let us know via our whistleblower system, Whistle42.