The U.S. citizen Chris Ortega from Austin, Texas, registered the domain back in 2015. According to Ortega’s LinkedIn profile, he has been the director and owner of the Delaware company EU Paymentz, LLC since January 2020. However, on the payment processor’s website, Sofia, Bulgaria, is presented as the registered office address. There Ortega has also registered Bitronum Ltd. He also owns JC Velecom, LCC, another Delaware company with connections to Serbia and Eastern Europe. We would like to learn more about EU Paymentz and Ortega.

Ortega is no stranger to the high-risk payment scene. He is also affiliated with TNB Ventures Ltd d/b/a TNB under the domain He is also affiliated with JCpayments ( The companies and platforms have long disappeared, but Chris Ortega is back with EU Paymentz in Bulgaria or in the United States. Or wherever.
With EU Paymentz, Ortega primarily offers offshore payments. The website promises high-risk merchants that they will find the best offshore payments solution for them, including the appropriate offshore bank accounts. In this regard, EU Paymentz promotes cryptocurrency merchant accounts, where you can do your business without proper KYC and transaction monitoring via their payment gateway. Nice, isn’t it? Provided you are a scammer or cybercriminal.
We would like to learn more about EU Paymentz, Ortega, and its network to complement our European FinTech Ecosphere Report. Therefore we are grateful for any information.