Thursday, January 23, 2025

Grenke Case – The Vienna Connections of an alleged fraud scheme

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A few days ago Fraser Perring and his Viceroy exposed the alleged fraud surrounding Wolfgang Grenke’s listed German company GRENKE AG. One of the central accusations is that the GRENKE AG is said to have continuously taken over companies that were previously founded by Wolfgang Grenke and/or associated persons and companies. These takeovers by the listed GRENKE AG would therefore have been transactions with affiliated and/or related companies and individuals.

In his statement to the Viceroy Report, Wolfgang Grenke denies the allegations. Of course, he does. In particular, he refers to CTP Handels- und Beteiligungs GmbH (“CTP GmbH“) registered in Vienna. This company is said to have financed new foundations within the franchise system of GRENKE AG as venture capital. In January 2020, this CTP GmbH was acquired by Samoca AG, a company registered in Liechtenstein (see more below). According to Wolfgang Grenke‘s statement, he only took over functions in CTP GmbH and/or exercised control from the time of the acquisition. This is not true, as an analysis of the entries in the commercial register in Vienna proves.

The fact is that Joanna Bielicka (LinkedIn profile), a confidante of Wolfgang Grenke, had already had a management position and the Power of Attorney (POA) at CTP Handels- und Beteiligungs GmbH in Vienna since May 2008. It is also worth mentioning that until December 2009 the Soft-Line Aktiengesellschaft in Liechtenstein was the sole shareholder of CTP GmbH. The very same Soft-Line Aktiengesellschaft together with Wolfgang Grenke was also the founder and shareholder of GRENKELEASING GmbH in Vienna.

Wolfgang Grenke, born in February 1951, is resident in Baden-Baden, Germany, and Joanna Bielicka, born in May 1979, is resident in Vienna. The latter has been working for Grenke’s Vienna companies CPT GmbH and WGW Investment GmbH (previously CTP Holding GmbH).

At Sacoma AG, registered in Liechtenstein Wolfgang Grenke‘s partner Thomas Konprecht and his alleged girlfriend, Simona Corina Stingaciu are on the board of directors. Sacoma is the current sole shareholder of the CTP GmbH. The company is controlled by Wolfgang Grenke who is its sole shareholder.

Summarized in a nutshell – the company register entries in Vienna contradict Wolfgang Grenke’s statement very directly (read his statement here). Apparently, CTP GmbH was controlled since its establishment by Wolfgang Grenke directly and/or over his trusted persons. In his statement, however, Grenke says that only with the takeover of CTP by GRENKE AG in Jan 2020 would he have acquired control over CTP.