Friday, March 7, 2025

The Kosher Restaurant In Sofia Or Why Gal Barak Is Protected By Politicians And Rabbi

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The Israeli Gal Barak is regarded by the EU authorities as one of the principals of a global cybercrime organization. One of his partners, the German Uwe Lenhoff, was arrested by the EU authorities in the course of international police action and is currently in custody in Austria. Gal Barak was first arrested in Sofia in the first place but then released into house arrest for alleged health problems. From there he gives TV interviews and continues to lead his organization. The establishment of new boiler rooms in the Philippines is currently on his agenda.

Austria’s authorities have demanded the extradition of Gal Barak to answer the charges before the courts. But Barak is apparently protected by local politicians and by his rabbi Yosef Salamon. This protection has tangible economic interests. As FinTelegram has been confirmed from various quarters, Rabbi Yosef Salamon and Gal Barak own a kosher restaurant in Sofia. The picture above shows Gal Barak with Yosef Salamon and the Bulgarian Prime Minister Boyko Borissov who was invited for the opening of the restaurant (see Yosef Salamon’s Facebook page). Gal Barak’s father is also one of the Rabbi’s good old friends, FinTelegram was informed.

Friends of Boyko Borisov have confirmed to FinTelegram that Gal Barak is giving generous financial consideration to Bulgarian politicians.

The question is whether the Rabbi and Bulgarian politicians are aware that the funds invested by Gal Barak in a restaurant and political support were stolen from EU citizens through Gal Barak’s illegal and fraudulent broker sites.

Gal Barak’s meanwhile closed illegal broker sites promised their investors victims to refund their payments. This announcement came early March 2019. Since then not a single investor of any of the platforms received his money. On the contrary, the UK Fraud Action, the UK fraud and cybercrime reporting center, contacted the EFRI team to learn more about the progress. Gal Barak’s schemes have also caused thousands of victims in the UK. Unfortunately, dear UK police, Gal Barak will most likely stay in Sofia. Well protected by his friends.

Take the Gal Barak case plus the Bulgarian Investbank – one of the EU’s big money laundering machines – and you recognize that Bulgaria doesn’t care too much about EU laws and EU jurisdiction. Cybercrimes, however, for sure feel great in Bulgaria.