Thursday, September 19, 2024

Request for Information – Hermes Solutions, ProActive Trader, ICoption, TitanTrade, and other scams

Spread financial intelligence

In connection with the binary options and broker scams around David Cartu and his Irish GreyMountain Management (GMM), we have received documents from many victimized retail investors. These include information from retail investors who have already filed criminal complaints in various jurisdictions.

FinTelegram was granted access to court documents concerning Hermes Solutions Limited in this context. This Anguilla-registered company facilitated some large binary options scams such as TitanTrade or ICoption. In at least three court cases, victims presented “account statements” issued by Hermes Solutions Limited.

Hermes Solutions and ProActive Trader facilitating broker scams icoption and others

Following the traces of Hermes Solutions Limited, another court document indicates that this company operated the ProActive Trader platform ( This, in turn, was allegedly a licensee of Pini Peter‘s Israeli SpotOption. We reached out to Pini Peter for a statement. As a matter of fact, SpotOption has been the white-label provider to many of the Israeli broker scams such as Yukom Communication.

Payments to these broker scams were made through Montenegro-registered Hermes Solution Podgorica DOO, which was controlled by Eyal Nachum, Tamir Zoltovski, and Oded Jeremitsky. These three Israelis were the operators of the Israeli payment service provider Payobin (operated by the Israeli Payotech Ltd). These persons controlled Hermes Solution Pogdorica DOO via SeeddPay Ltd, registered in the Marshall Islands.

Eyal Nachum and Tamir Zoltovski currently operate Moneta International UAB, a financial services provider registered and licensed in Lithuania.

Whistleblowers fight Scammers

We request more information about Hermes Solutions Limited, Hermes Solution Podgorica DOO, ProActive Trader, Payobin, ICoption, TitanTrade, and other scams. Information may be submitted anonymously to FinTelegram via our whistleblower system. Together we can take effective action against these scammers.