Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Introducing High-Risk Payment Processor Centrobill And Its Strange Approach!

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Centrobill was founded in 2012 by Andrew Granadzer and Stan Fiskin. A Similarweb analysis shows that Centrobill does a significant part of its business with high-risk merchants from the porn sector. In recent months, around 50% of referral traffic came from adult websites such as myDirtyHobby, FAP House, Nutaku, or CooMeet. Centrobill has a 1.5-stars on Trustpilot with a Bad trust level. PayRate42 has given the payment processor an Orange Compliance rating resulting in threats.

Key Data

Trading nameCentrobill
ActivitiesMerchant service provider,
high-risk payment processor
Social mediaLinkedIn
Legal entitiesCentrobill Ltd (US)
Eurobill Tech Ltd (Cyprus)
JurisdictionUS, Cyprus, Ukraine
Related individualsAndrew Granadzer a/k/a Andrew Cares (LinkedIn)
Stan Fiskin (LinkedIn)
Chris Tisdall (LinkedIn)
Hunor M. Szasz (LinkedIn)
Trustpilot 1.5 stars with Bad trust level
PayRate42 rating1.5 stars with a Bad trust level

Short Narrative

Centrobill seems to have operational offices in Ukraine and Cyprus. According to LinkedIn, this is where most people associated with the Centrobill account are located in these jurisdictions.

On its website, Centrobill offers retail customers the to handle complaints about payments processed through the Payment Processor. This includes subscriptions to porn sites. An analysis by Trust Pilot reviews shows that Centrobill seems to handle the complaints with the wrong approach. This results in a scam rating of 1.5 stars.

We found complaints about Eurobill Tech Ltd, Centrobill‘s Cyprus-based company, and its aggressive (friendly-spoken) approach when trying to collect receivables. German lawyers advice to be careful with this scheme.

The payment processor apparently feels offended by the Orange Compliance Rating of PayRate42 and threatens the cyber rating agency with criminal charges. We believe that in view of the many negative reports on Trustpilot, a “Red Compliance” rating would also be fair. But high-risk payment processors live in a world of their own.

Share Information

If you have any information about Centrobill, its operators, and its activities, please share it via our whistleblower system Whistle42.


  1. it is really BS article . centrobill is just a gateway so they should even not be responsible for complaint handling.
    fintelegram really sometime not precise about the information published, it is about having the maximum of articles

      • if they provide help it is good to help merchants, but if the merchant doesn’t refund in adult business it is a known issue… this doesn’t make the gateway liable.. especially when they don’t onboard the merchant, the acquirer is responsible. so quick articles like this are showing that you don’t know the difference between and an acquirer and a gateway, so such information is just inaccurate and not interesting, I think you should focus of acquirers which are closing the eyes on what merchants are doing…this would be more interesting than filling your web site with such attacks ungrounded

        • Hi again! It seems that you still do not have the full Centrobill picture. They are billing directly to consumers in their name with their subscription products via their Cyprus-based Eurobill Tech Ltd. They have acquired quite a reputation about a very aggressive approach when collecting the purported receivables. Certainly, the Centrobill group is not simply a gateway or and acquirer. Have a look at this article on the website of a German law firm: We are here to provide financial education. You are welcome!

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