Thursday, September 19, 2024

Attention: Do Not Fall For The EJ Investing Broker Scam Operated By Halobore Ltd!

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On the Airsoft white-label platform, the new broker scam EJ Investing is about to be launched. Halebor Ltd, registered in the UK, allegedly operates it. This company has also been operating the LPLFinances, InvestingCiti, and DBInvesting scams. The Bulgarian Kiri Angelov Genov is registered there as a director. Our May 18, 2023 review found that no payment method currently works. These are currently being tested. Stay far away and keep your financial health.

Key Data

Trading nameEJ Investing
Related scamLPLFinances
Business activityForex & CFD brokerage
PlatformsAirsoft white-label via
Social medianot disclosed
Legal entityHalebore LTD
Related individualsKiri Angelov Genov
Trustpilot1.9-star rating with a “Poor” trust level
Compliance ratingBlack
Payment processorHivelinq, PayNow, PayPal
WarningsBaFin, FMA

Share Information

If you have any information about Halebor Ltd, Kiri Angelov Genov, EJ Investing, and the other scams and their facilitators, please let us know through our whistleblower system, Whistle42.