Friday, September 20, 2024

WorldMarkets Scam Update – Polish Crypto Payment Processor Net Kantor freezes account and launches investigations

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A few days ago, FinTelegram reported another bank account connection of the huge WorldMarkets Scam. Specifically, it was about an account of the Polish Net Kantor at the Polish BNP Paribas. Now we were contacted by the Net Kantor people. In the statement to FinTelegram News Net Kantor states that they would be a serious and licensed crypto payment processor. The account (Reference/Note: 1059) mentioned in the article would have been frozen immediately and investigations would now be carried out against the respective customer.

As a company please make it known that Net Kantor is a regulated currency exchange platform in Poland. We do not and never will cooperate with any investment platform. Account 1059 that allegedly belongs to “world markets” is that of a company registered with us, in the wake of this article we have frozen the account, and have started an official investigation in to this account.

We encourage all alleged victims to contact us and provide us with information in regards to the investigation(s) as this is not an allegation that we as a company take lightly.

As a company, we take these allegations very seriously and we will do our utmost best to ensure our investigation is conducted in the highest manner.

Net Kantor statement to FinTelegram via Email May 26, 2020

The team of FinTelegram News really appreciates Net Kantor‘s reaction and its cooperation. We hope that we will also receive an update on the results of the investigation and that we will be able to recover money stolen from victims who may have been harmed.

The fact that Net Kantor contacted FinTelegram News with a comprehensive statement and allegedly took immediate action indicates that the payment processor was used by the WorldMarkets scammers. We are now waiting for the results of the investigation and will report back.


  1. So until now any further information from them and you believed them that indeed they are just a crypto payment processor and not the actual scammers behind countless scams with main head operator the Ukrainian guy with the name Dmytro Okhremenko.


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