Monday, March 10, 2025

Urgent warning! Do not fall for the PandaTS white-label broker scam AnalystQue!

Spread financial intelligence

In our morning email check, we found some that lead us to fraudulent campaigns again. Among them is an email from [email protected] that leads us to the BigTopChannel website with the promise of quick money-making, where numerous fraudulent campaigns are running. Today we landed at The Crypto Genius campaign. After registering, we were redirected to the payment page of the PandaTS white-label scam AnalystQue. Stay far away from this scam and the facilitating fraud campaigns.

Key data

Trading nameAnalystQue
Legal entityAnalystQue Inc.
JurisdictionCommonwealth of Dominica
Payment optionscrypto
Payment processorBitGo
Facilitated byBigTopChannel (
The Crypto Genius, BitIQ, et al
Bell Market d/b/a Bell Marketing (

The narrative

The website lists AnalystQue Inc as the operating entity. The company is allegedly registered in the Commonwealth of Dominica. The website also claims that the Financial Services Authority (FSA) in St. Vincent & The Grenadines would be the responsible regulator. This is bullshit, of course. The FSA VSG does not issue forex licenses.

Deposits are only possible via Bitcoin (BTC) through BitGo. Stay far away and protect your money and data.

Share information

If you have information about analystQue, its operators, and facilitators, please share it with us through our whistleblower system, Whistle42.