Sunday, February 23, 2025

Urgent Warning against LiquidsPro and Triton Capital Markets!

Spread financial intelligence

Our Broker Scam Radar is currently reporting more scams than ever before since FinTelegram came into existence. One of the reasons for this is undoubtedly the increasing popularity of cryptocurrencies. The UK Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) publishes up to a dozen warnings against brokers and crypto scams every day. That’s a record. Today, the Austrian Financial Market Authority (FMA) issued a warning against the Liquidspro broker scam, a clone of the vanished Triton Capital Markets a/k/a Triton Markets scam FinTelegram and regulators have warned about many times. The same cybercrime organization operates these and other scams!

Key data

Trading namesTriton Capital Markets
Triton Markets
and counting
Legal entitiesKarello D Buro LLC
Karelllo D Buro Kft
JurisdictionSt. Vincent & The Grenadines
Support contact+3617008892
Payment processorPraxis Cashier
WarningsFCA, FMA, FSMA

The narrative

In the past, Triton Capital Markets, a/k/a Triton Markets, has caught our attention due to their intensive use of fraudulent marketing campaigns. This is how they are preying on their victims. The scams are primarily targeted at English and German-speaking consumers. The operating company, Karello D Buro, is registered in St. Vincent & The Grenadines. In addition, Karello D Buro Kft, which is registered in Hungary, acts as a payment processor for the group.

We would like to take this opportunity to thank the German law firm Resch Rechtsanwaelte ( for alerting us to the connection between Triton Capital Markets and LiquidsPro.

Share information

If you have any information about Triton Capital Markets, LiquidsPro, and their operators, please share it with us through our whistleblower system, Whistle42.