Sunday, February 23, 2025

Urgent warning against crypto fake review sites!

Spread financial intelligence

We currently focus on scam facilitating marketing activities via Google and social media. Now, warnings from financial market regulators such as the Uk FCA or the Spanish CNMV against illegal crypto platforms are literally exploding. FinTelegram has already outlined many times that fraudulent crypto campaigns like Bitcoin Prime trap victims for broker scams. For this purpose, fake review sites promote fraudulent crypto trading robots with the best ratings and reviews. Please do not fall for them. Here is a list of fake crypto review sites.

The fake crypto review sites

Sunny Investments
The Stock Specialist (TSS)
Wealth Info
Top Brokers Comparison
Green Finance Initiative
Index Universe
Index Universe Crypto
Economy Watch

How it works

The fraudulent crypto marketing campaigns promoting fake crypto trading robots called Bitcoin Prime, BitQT, or Bitcoin Evolution are not an end in themselves. They present themselves as a means to get rich easily and quickly. However, their sole purpose is to chase clients (victims) for illegally operating brokers or scams by addressing the potential victims’ greed and FOMO.

It is worth noting that most of the fake review sites listed above run massive financial ads on Google DE and target German-speaking consumers. Google UK & Ireland already introduced new rules in August 2021 that only allow regulated companies to run financial ads after successful KYC. In the EU, Google does not have these regulations yet and still earns millions by selling fraudulent financial ads. Millions, paid by the victims of these scammers.

The Green Finance Initiative and Economy Watch, which mainly aim at UK customers, are not allowed to buy financial ads and have chosen a different road in the Google Game to chase victims. Green Finance Initiative is disguised as a green initiative supported by the City of London. Sounds impressive but is, of course, bullshit. On the Green Finance Initiative front page you can find some stupid articles on green topics. However, the site’s only purpose is to publish positive fake reviews for the never-ending stream of fraudulent crypto trading bot campaigns that appear on the first page of Google search.

Share information

If you have any information about these or other fake review sites, please let us know via our whistleblower system, Whistle42.