Whistleblower Credits: We would like to thank our whistleblowers for their reports and insights, which help us expose scammers and their payment processors. Together we can make a difference in cyberspace. Together we are an invincible force.
We are really excited to be able to rely on our loyal whistleblowers. Therefore, we have received some important information in response to our Request 4 Information (R4I). Based on KYC data, we can establish that scam-facilitating PayTechno OÜ is controlled by an Israeli citizen as its beneficial owner. Besides, we have received information about the high-risk payment Gateway ironically branded as The Best Gateway with the domain www.thebestgateway.com offering payment gateway services for high-risk online merchants. The office of the group seems to be in Sofia, Bulgaria.
This allows us to add PayTechno to the list of licensed Estonian crypto payment processors controlled by Israelis. Against the background of participation in scams, the office in Sofia, Bulgaria also makes sense.
Thus, PayTechno, licensed by the Estonian FIU as a crypto payment processor, operates the two websites (platforms) PayTechno (www.paytechno.com) and The Best Gateway (www.thebestgateway.com), which focus on high-risk online merchants and scam operators. The third platform, CryptoPayTech (www.cryptopaytech.com), is apparently aimed at private individuals.
We specifically thank our whistleblowers for their participation. Without you, dear friends, FinTelegram would not be possible.