Friday, January 10, 2025

The Nexus Global Crypto-MLM and its Promotors Make a Dive

Spread financial intelligence
Nexus Global Announcement on Facebook
Nexus Global Facebook Announcement (deleted)

Things are speeding up around our Financial Telegram project. Yesterday, we posted a short article on Veltyco’s MLM Connections and their new Nexus Global project that has been announced on Facebook by Dmitryi Savelyev a few days ago. We provided a link to this announcement (link here)- and guess what: the announcement posting was deleted. What a surprise!

Obviously, the promotors of the Crypto-MLM Nexus Global and/or Veltyco don’t want investors to learn about the connections. But don’t worry, we produced a screenshot from Dmitryi’s Facebook announcement (see screenshot).

In our graphics above we present you the first results of the Crypto-MLM connects of Dmitryi (which is a fake profile we believe). We have not yet finished our investigations and you may expect updated versions of this graphics.

CryptoGold Crypto-MLM with Gold-backing
CryptoGold promises Gold-backing

Even though all of the recorded Crypto-MLM ventures promise sort of crypto-mining, the CryptoGold venture, additionally, promises the “gold-backing” of all investments. Does this really sound reasonable? I mean, Dmitryi wants us to believe that he uses investors money to buy mining equipment and GOLD. You don’t have to be a rocket scientist to make the math, right?

If you are an investor in one of the Crypto-MLM systems please let us know your experience. We are curious to learn about the results of investments.