Thursday, March 6, 2025

Statement Of Russian-Controlled Payment Processor Mercuryo To FinTelegram!

Spread financial intelligence

FinTelegram has issued several alerts against broker scams in recent months in which we discovered the payment processor Mercuryo as a facilitator. We would like to state that for all warnings we actually perform a careful review. In doing so, we take screenshots to be able to prove each statement in our warnings if necessary. BaFin has initiated an investigation against Mercuryo which is said to have ended favorably. Mercuryo has requested FinTelegram to make an appropriate correction or addition to some articles. Here is the statement with an update!

Key Data

Trading styleMercuryo
Legal entitiesMoneyAmber UAB, Lithuania
MoneyMaple Tech LTD, Canada (MSB registration number: M21565803)
MoneySwap OÜ, Estonia (licensed crypto payment processor)
MoneyTea LTD, UK (agent of FCA-registered Cauri LTD)
Related individualsPetr Kozyakov (Russia)
Aleksandr Vasilev (Russia)
Antons Blohins (UK)

Short Narrative

In its very essence, Mercuryo‘s statement to FinTelegram confirms the accuracy of FinTelegram’s articles at the time of their publication. We are pleased that Mercuryo was able to clear up the BaFin investigation and the related warning.

Mercuryo also confirms that there was a business relationship with the notorious scam facilitator Finanic. We are pleased to hear that Mercuryo has ostensibly ended this business relationship. However, it is true that this business relationship existed until our report.

Mercuryo is operated through a number of legal entities in various jurisdictions. The English MoneyTea Ltd is controlled by the Russian Petr Kozyakov.

We are of course glad that our reports have consequences and payment processors terminate their fraudulent clients and partners. That is the purpose of our reports.

[Start of Statement]

I hope this finds you well? I’m emailing in regards to a number of articles Mercuryo is referenced in on Fintelegram, whereby our legal team have spotted some inaccuracies and misleading information. With this in mind, I would like to request a few corrections to the articles referenced below please.


Mercuryo, alongside our other business entities, inclusive of MoneySwap, are not affiliated with CryptoDock, GlareMarkets or Bitcoin Prime as both of the articles above suggest. We can confirm that we did have a commercial relationship in place with Finanic in July 2021. This relationship was promptly ended during the same month, upon Mercuryo becoming aware of suspicious activity by Finanic. We no longer have a relationship with Finanic and would like to request the articles be amended to reflect this.

MoneySwap exclusively offers Crypto Exchange and Custodial Services and therefore we ask you to update the inaccurate description of MoneySwap as a payment processor, since this is misleading.

We are pleased to confirm the investigation of Mercuryo by BaFin is now closed. The regulator has removed the warning, since Mercuryo has not been found to be conducting any suspicious or illegal activity. We would like to make it clear that and are not Mercuryo brands. We have reported both sites to the relevant authorities and both have now been deactivated. We would like to request that the above information is reflected in the corresponding articles in relation to the BaFin investigation – please do let me know if you would like to include a comment from our CEO on this matter.

We’re also very uncomfortable with article number 3, since the editor has openly accused Mercuryo of money laundering. Unless they are able to produce sufficient evidence of such a serious allegation, we ask you to remove this libel.

I trust and hope that we can come to an editorial resolve on the above, however, should you prefer, I can ask our legal team to consult directly with you or another member of your team.

[/End Of Statement]

Share Information

If you have any information about Mercuryo, its operators, partners, or customers, please let us know through our whistleblower system, Whistle42.