Saturday, February 22, 2025


Spread financial intelligence

Readers of FinTelegram are aware that we have been critically questioning and investigating the activities of the crypto-investment schemes OMNIA TECH and COINTED for months. In that time we have received a lot of information from our readers, which we evaluate carefully as parts of the big pictures. We have also reported continuously on both crypto-investment schemes:

In the course of our investigations, we had direct access to the people involved. Among other people, we communicated with Robert VELGHE, but also with the people of COINTED. Based on the information currently available, we believe that both crypto-mining schemes are scams with the intention of ripping off investors. Based on a variety of information we received, we have also been able to establish a connection between BLOCKBASE AB, a crypto-mining company with offices in Sweden and Dubai operated by Austrians around Vlado STANIC, and COINTED and OMNIA TECH with many details about the business relationships. We will publish a detailed report soon.

We are convinced that many investors in both systems are already concerned about their investments. We would be grateful for any perceptions and assumptions in this regard. Please contact us for information about our whistleblower system. Let’s work together to make crypto-investments safer and protect investors as well as good actors.

ICO Expoerts shit list whistleblower


  1. Wow! Seems like my investment in Cointed ICO is gone. They have taken our money and they don’t even care to talk to us. Is there anyway we can report them and possibly get a refund?


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