Sunday, February 23, 2025

Regulated Lithuanian scam-facilitator Epayblock lost two top managers

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We brought a Request 4 Information (R4I) regarding Epayblock a few days ago because we want to know more about the e-Money institution regulated by the Bank of Lithuania with authorization code LB001911. The reason for this R4I was that illegal Lithuanian payment providers such as Skylas, Merelita, Ristema, or BDIKA (a/k/a Payment Titans) are involved in currently active broker scams. These companies launder money through their bank accounts at Epayblock. Upon our R4I, we received the information that two top managers had already left the company several months ago. However, the Polish citizen Maciej Kazmierczyk seems still to be the CEO.

Specifically, Epayblock’s COO, Roman Mazur (LinkedIn), and CTO Krzysztof Kuchta (LinkedIn) had left Epayblock several months ago. In the meantime, the two have also entered this in their LinkedIn profiles. The two former top executives make a point of saying that they have no information about the current status of the business. Duly noted!

Unfortunately, on Epayblock‘s website (, one finds nothing about this change in management. There, no information on the management of the EMI can be found at all in the first place.

The website of The Twitter account of Epayblock is still suspended. Nothing has been posted on the company’s only remaining social media account on LinkedIn for months.