Sunday, February 23, 2025

NEXUS GLOBAL – The Network behind the Crypto-MLM

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We published our first impression on the prelaunch of the Crypto-MLM NEXUS GLOBAL yesterday. From what we saw, it is pretty clear that it’s just another poorly performed scam to collect another few millions from people still believing that cryptocurrencies, crypto-mining and/or crypto-trading will make them rich quickly. Unfortunately, that’s not true. Or, to be more precise, it’s only true for their promoters and the top people in the MLM-pyramid.

The only new thing with NEXUS GLOBAL is that its promoters claim that it’s an international Crypto-MLM this time. And, yes, this is true. The NEXUS GLOBAL ecosphere seems to span around the globe from India over the United Arab Emirates, Bulgaria, and Germany to the United States. It’s really impressive.

In the NEXUS GLOBAL case, the promoters are MLM veterans with an impressive track record in MLM scams. The co-founders are Christian Michel SCHEIBENER (LinkedIn profile) and his long-time companion Michael THOMALE (LinkedIn profile). SCHEIBENER just was fired from OMNIA, another Crypto-MLM, focused on crypto-mining. Moreover, SCHEIBENER was (is) involved in the OneCoin/OneLife network and thus his Sofia-connections should not come as a surprise. THOMALE, too, was involved with OneCoin and the Bonofa pyramid scheme. One could easily argue that SCHEIBENER and THOMALE are sort of experienced MLM artists with a deep understanding about scams and how the work.


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The Indian Crime Scene

Amit Bhardwaj - founder of GainBitcoin
Amit BHARDWAJ – founder of GainBitcoin, a partner of NEXUS GLOBAL?

We already received some whistleblower messages from people close to NEXUS. Some of them are quite interesting and alerting because they claim that NEXUS GLOBAL is a sort of global investment scheme with some criminal ingredients.

One guy close to SCHEIBENER informed us that NEXUS established a relationship with Amit BHARDWAJ, an Indian crypto-veteran who used to live in Dubai until recently. This BHARDWAJ allegedly is the largest crypto-miner in India and gained fame and fortune as the founder of GainBitcoin, the by far largest Crypto-MLM in India. Many people lost money in this investment scheme, hence the Indian authorities started investigations to prove allegations that Amit Bhardwaj cheated investors through his Bitcoin Ponzi scheme GainBitcoin (read this article). More than 100,000 GainBitcoin investors were promised 10% monthly returns and thus more than USD 184 millions were collected. GainBitcoin was forced to close down and many investors – especially the late ones – lost their money.

A look-out notice for BHARDWAJ was issued early March 2018. The Hindustan Times reported this week that BHARDWAJ was arrested already.

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Are NEXUS GLOBAL Mining Facilities just Fake?

One of our whistleblowers claimed that BHARDWAJ, who also runs huge crypto-mining facilities, have made the “proof of hashpower” for NEXUS GLOBAL to make investors believe that NEXUS has the mining facilities it claims to have. Are NEXUS mining facilities simply a fake then? We have good reasons to believe that this piece of information is true but we continue to investigate this issue. Any further hints would be appreciated, of course.

What about Cointed and Veltyco?

We again received the information that Cointed is allegedly involved in the NEXUS GLOBAL venture providing a white label solution for the multi-wallet. There are good reasons to believe that NEXUS GLOBAL’s announced but not yet seen multi-wallet solution is based on 8Crypt, a solution produced by people and companies in the VELTYCO environment. Given the importance of the multi-wallet for the NEXUS GLOBAL project it’s more than strange that we have not yet received more information about it.

Preliminary Summary

You don’t have to be a rocket scientist to recognize that there are many open questions and even more red flags around NEXUS. Thus, we recommand that investors and/or MLM actors stay away from this global crypto-MLM venture until more information and details of the business elements are available.