Wednesday, January 22, 2025


Spread financial intelligence

Applause please, the MLM Artists move into the Crypto-Circus

If you would stand in our shoes as financial intelligence service you probably would end up with the very same conclusion: the MLM industry is conquering the crypto space with the German-speaking actors as a sort of leading artists for those ventures. Let us just speak out a few of those crypto-schemes with a German-speaking background:

  • AVALON Life – German crypto-MLM with Caribian connections (Costa Rica) and the ambition to “save the planet”
  • OMNIA TECH – Austrian crypto-mining MLM with connections to Armenia (read here) and, ups, their old website ( is currently offline and a new domain ( informs about a soon to be released new backoffice.
  • NEXUS GLOBAL – German crypto-mining MLM with roots in OMNIA (Founder Christian Michel SCHEIBENER once acted as CEO for OMNIA)
  • OPTIOMENT – collapsed Austrian crypto-trading MLM with Caribian connections (Costa Rica)
  • and many more

We already work on a Crypto-MLM map to provide some guidance to interested investors.

Nexus Global and Avalon Life Facebook Group
I used to be a Facebook group for Avalon Life, now I am a NEXUS GLOBAL group and who knows what I am tomorrow. Doesn’t matter, same story, same people just different brands.

All of those crypto-MLM systems announce ambitious goals and want or wanted to become the very best and greatest ventures on this planet, save the planet, or build a much better world/society/economy. Only the sky is the limit, you know. There must be a sort of template or script for those concepts and brochures. Remember Jerry Zucker’s movie Rat Race?

And there is another feature that those Crypto-MLM have in common – the people behind those schemes have been in the MLM-business for a long time, have respective “track records” and they are closely related. Typically, it takes you only a few hours research as a potential investor or distributor to find the connections and the history of the acting artists.

Take a closer look at this URL: It very obviously once pointed to a Avalon Life group and now it points to a NEXUS GLOBAL group.

Those schemes are so-called High Yield-Interest Programs (HYIP) in the best case and Ponzi or pyramid schemes in the normal case. According to the general script, those MLM schemes usually collapse after 2 or 3 years and after the top people made some decent amount of money, and the circus with its scam artists then moves on. Da capo, my friends.

First the ICO Tsunami and now the Crypto-MLM Wave


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After the ICO tsunami we experienced in 2017, we are obviously confronted with a gigantic MLM wave, a kind of #MeToo movement to get rich quickly. The unleashed ICO hype paved the way for MLMs by providing the necessary media attention for crypto and spark John Doe’s greed or FOMO. Crypto-mining is sold to those investors as a means to create money (cryptocurrencies) out of the blue. With just a little upfront investment.

If you consider ICOs as high-risk investments, you should consider crypto-MLM schemes as “super-high risky” for obvious reasons: they are going for FIAT money from mom and pop, Jane Doe and John Doe via private events and social media. Typically, Crypto-MLM investors have not been invested in crypto before and have no experience with this new asset class.

An Austrian Cashback-MLM, another revolution, and another king of the world

ETOXX Cashback system goes crypto
Hi, I am the ETOXX cashback card. Soon I will be a powerful crypto-card, won’t I?
Statler and Waldorf - please give us another MLM, now!
We want another Crypto-MLM, right now!

Please don’t get bored, it’s really entertaining. Remember the two old guys in the Muppet show, Statler and Waldorf? Be them when watching the MLM circus and its artist.

And yet another Austrian crypto-MLM is touching the crypto space and combines its existing cashback & MLM system with an ICO approach. And, of course, the goals are really super-ambitious and exciting.

The Austrian ETOXX Cashback system which does not hold a license for its activities in Austria today has chosen to become MCV CAP, issue its own cryptographic MCV coin (ERC token on Ethereum as usual), trigger the “blockchain revolution in banking” and raise some USD 120 million in an ICO to finance the efforts to become a “real bank”. And don’t be wrong, the goal is

  • not to build A bank but
  • THE world’s largest crypto-bank

A revolutionary crypto-bank with 15 million customers within just 5 years. Doesn’t this sound impressive? Maybe a bit over-ambitious?

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We have not yet finished our research on MCV CAP but it’s already on its way and as usual, we do it very carefully and will provide you with the background information required to get the whole picture. The report will be available in time before the launch of the public ICO. Stay tuned.