Sunday, March 9, 2025

Interesting! Offshore Broker Moneta Markets No Longer Part Of the Vantage Group!

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Until recently, Moneta Markets used to be a trading style of the Vantage Group with the offshore entity Vantage Global Limited, registered with the VFSC in Vanuatu, as its operator. European regulators have warned against the unauthorized and thus illegal activities of Moneta Markets soliciting consumers in the EU. For a few weeks, Moneta Markets has been operated by Moneta Markets South Africa (Pty) Ltd, an FSCA-regulated FSP, and Moneta LLC, registered in St. Vincent & The Grenadines.

Key Data

BrandsMoneta Markets
Legal entitiesMoneta Markets South Africa (Pty) Ltd, South Africa
Moneta LLC, SVG, est. March 2022
JurisdictionsSouth Africa
St. Vincent & The Grenadines
PlatformPandaTS (until recently)
Leverateup to 1:500
Payment processorsZotaPay (cc), Finrax (crypto),
BridgerPay, PerfectMoney
Related individualsDavid Bily, CEO of Moneta Markets (LinkedIn)
Mohammed Bux, Compliance
WarningsConsob, CNMV

Short Narrative

Similarweb statistics for Moneta Markets

Moneta Markets is an offshore broker that does not have a license to operate in Europe. Nevertheless, according to the latest Similarweb statistics from June 2022, more than half of the website visitors of this offshore broker come from the EU, UK, and Switzerland. In our various reviews over the last few months, we never had a problem registering and depositing as residents.

Moneta Markets operates unauthorized and illegally in the European Economic Area (EEA).

Read more about the Vantage Group.

Share information

If you have any information about Moneta Markets, its operators, and facilitators, please share it with us through our whistleblower system, Whistle42.