Monday, March 10, 2025

Fraud Alert – Safemoon Trader attacks German-speaking consumers

Spread financial intelligence

If you search Google for a Bitcoin-related term today, you will be presented an ad with the link Anyone who clicks on this ad is redirected to the Breaking News fake news site ( presenting a report about getting rich quickly using the Bitcoin buyer trading platform. Clicking on the link in the article redirects you to the Bitcoin buyer scam campaign on the website. Anyone registering there will also be automatically registered as a victim with the broker scam Safemoon Trader ( and redirected to the scam’s payment page.

Both the fraudulent Bitcoin buyer campaign and Safemoon Trader scam attack German-speaking consumers and greedy retail investors. The website is available in English and German, with the German translation being miserable. Deposits at Safemoon Trader scam are only possible with credit and debit cards. Deposits by bank transfer can only be made in consultation with support a/k/a boiler room. We did not find any information about the operators or the jurisdiction on the website.

Fraud campaigns like Bitcoin buyer also violate financial market laws. German regulator BaFin announced today that it is investigating the Bitcoin Deutschland fraud campaign because the website appears to be brokering financial transactions, which is a regulated business.

Please do not fall for scam campaigns like Bitcoin buyer and the scams advertised by it. You will save yourself losses as well as the theft and misuse of your data.