Sunday, February 23, 2025

FinTelegram launches Law & Compliance Enforcement Support Initiative

Spread financial intelligence

We have been cooperating with law enforcement agencies in various countries since the launch of FinTelegram. As insiders and friends know, the establishment of FinTelegram came about as a means of fighting cybercriminals who were taking action against the founders and operators of FinTelegram. These cybercriminals at the time were German Uwe Lenhoff and Israeli Gal Barak. Both were arrested in early 2019, also thanks to the cooperation between FinTelegram and law enforcement.

Some reference cases

Uwe Lenhoff was the operator of a worldwide cybercrime organization and engaged in large-scale money laundering. His scams have deprived tens of thousands of victims of tens of millions of euros. He was arrested in early 2019 and should be charged as one of the principals of a cybercrime organization, investment fraud, and money laundering. He was found dead in his prison cell in the summer of 2020. Cause of death unknown; charges no longer possible. His partner, Gal Barak, was sentenced to four years in prison for investment fraud in September 2020. FinTelegram had its part in this success. Two out of several references of our work with law enforcement agencies.

We have uncovered the money laundering and scam-facilitating activities of Israeli-Lithuanian Bruc Bond and International Fintech. Both companies were licensed e-money institutions regulated by the Bank of Lithuania and controlled by Israelis Eyal Nachum and Tamir Zolovsky. Ultimately, the Bank of Lithuania revoked the license of Bruc Bond in April 2020 for systematic money laundering and serious compliance violations. Shortly thereafter, International Fintech voluntarily resigned its license. One out of several examples of our references for our work in the field of financial regulators.

Scaling up law & compliance enforcement support

We want to improve and intensify cooperation with the international law enforcement scene in the very best interest of protecting investors and victims.

As part of this initiative, law enforcement agencies and regulators can either request data from our huge database or launch a Request 4 Information to get answers from whistleblowers. In addition, law enforcement and regulators can access our newly launched and not yet active Whistle42 whistleblower forum and interact directly with whistleblowers. Our team is also happy to support investigations with commissioned reports on cases, organizations, and instances.

Requests to FinTelegram can be made via our Law & Compliance Enforcement Support form here. Existing contacts or agencies are, of course, welcome to continue to contact us through existing contacts. Confidentiality is guaranteed.