Thursday, January 23, 2025

FCA warning against AND Corp and TradersPros broker scam

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Update: our whistleblowers provided additional information and identified AND Corp Limited in Hong Kong (link), the operator of AND Marketing (, and the TradersPros scam. In Sept 2020, the German BaFin issued a Cease and Desist Order against AND Corp as the operator of the Swiss Capital scam ( It seems that Andras Tamas Kanal is the company’s beneficial owner.

The UK regulator FCA has issued an investor warning against the broker scam TradersPros ( AND Corp Limited in Hong Kong allegedly operates the scam. Potential victims can make deposits via Bitcoin or with credit and debit cards. On the website, TradersPros claims that they are regulated by the Global Financial Authority, a kind of private “conduct regulator.” The deposits are made via payment gateways under the domains for BTC and for credit cards.

We were not able to find the AND Corp in Hong Kong. The scam is quite professionally made and the processing of payments is set up in such a way that it is hard to follow. Behind the two domains for the deposits (BTC & Chain) and there are no websites or payment processors, but only payment gateways for the payment processing.

We would like to know more about the TradersPros scam and its people. Therefore, we would be grateful if you share information with our research team.