Friday, October 18, 2024

“Enough is Enough:” Mounting Pressure To Free Julian Assange!

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WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange, 51, has written a letter to King Charles inviting him to visit the UK prison where the WikiLeaks founder has been captive for more than four years “on behalf of an embarrassed foreign sovereign.” A few days ago, Australian Prime Minister Anthony Albanese renewed his call for the release of Wikileaks founder Julian Assange. “Enough is enough,” Assange’s ongoing detention would be “frustrating” and does no one any good. He is damned right!

Dear USA Government. The longer you persist in holding Julian Assange the more foolish you look. Everyone knows why you are illegally holding him and demanding his extradition. In view of your demanding the release of Evan Gershkovich whilst at the same timer incarcerating Assange you have embarrassed yourself and exposed your hypocrisy to the world. This does not make you look good. In fact it makes you look like a dickhead. The Assange supporters are NEVER going away and will continue to hound you and expose you and will continue to grow in numbers and influence until you look like the idiots on the block. I recommend you cut your losses and free Assange and try to get a semblense of dignity while you still can, because, that is fast disappearing.

Michael Moor on Twitter

Julian Assange has been in a London prison for four years. Before that, he had been in Ecuador’s embassy in the British capital for seven years to avoid arrest and extradition to the U.S. Late last year, Albanese had already stated, “My position is clear and has been made clear to the U.S. government: it is time to bring this matter to an end.” However, all diplomatic efforts by his government so far have not led to a solution, he said now.

The U.S. accuses Assange, along with U.S. whistleblower Chelsea Manning, of stealing and publishing classified material from military operations in Iraq and Afghanistan, putting the lives of whistleblowers in danger. If extradited, Assange faces up to 175 years in prison.

Free Assange

U.S. authorities motivate whistleblowers to report dirty details of individuals, companies, and authorities. High rewards are promised in return. At the same time, the U.S. authorities take action against whistleblowers who disclose dirty secrets of the U.S. foreign policy and army. This is merely cynical!

Along with the global Internet community, we see Julian Assange as a courageous journalist who brought war crimes to light. The government in London has agreed to the extradition. However, the mounting global protests are putting the U.S. under heavy pressure. It is time to free Julian!

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