Sunday, February 23, 2025

Consob Follows FinTelegram And Orders Black-Out Of Already Vanished CrystalsCapital Website!

Spread financial intelligence

We recently issued several warnings against Bulgarian Shadlake Ltd, which runs various broker scams. Deluxe Royals is one of the currently active scams. Others have vanished, including Crystals Capitals, Royal Capitals, and EuroTrade Invest. Finally, the Italian Consob followed our warnings and ordered the blackout of the Crystals Capitals website. Too late; the site has already vanished! Please be very cautious when considering opening an online trading account.

Key Data

Trading namesRoyal Capitals
EuroTrade Invest
Eurotrade Invest Group
Deluxe Royals
Fraud activityBroker scam
Legal entityShadelake Ltd (Bulgaria)
Contact data+359 493021783680
Payment optionsOpenUp, PayCore, ArdelixPay,
RESET, HoneyPay
Related schemesShadlake Ltd (
MasterEducation (

Short Narrative

The alleged operator of Eurotrade Invest Group, Royal Capitals, Deluxe Royals, CrystalCapitals, and most likely other but not yet exposed or connected broker scams, Shadlake Ltd in Bulgaria, is also the operator of MasterEducation ( This platform supposedly provides knowledge for wealth building via online trading. The platform refers victims to broker scams.

As facilitating payment processors, we found OpenUp, ArdelixPay, ChargeMoney, or RESET for credit card payments.

The broker scams redirect victims to some payment processors via the subdomain

Otherwise, there is little to report about these poorly made white-label scams. They are simply some of the hundreds active at any given time to steal from consumers.

Report Scammers

If you have information about Shadlake, its operators, and its facilitators, please share it through our whistleblower system, Whistle42.