Sunday, March 9, 2025

BitfininityFX broker scam facilitated by fraudulent crypto marketing campaigns!

Spread financial intelligence

Fraudulent marketing campaigns like Bitcoin Prime or Bitcoin Genius are operated on dozens of different websites and domains. They are used to acquiring naive and greedy consumers for broker scams. In today’s test of the fraudulent Crypto Genius campaign on the https://the website, we were led to the Bitfinityfx ( scam. This scam belongs to the vast scam network that also ran the Blueprint Capital scam and many others. Stay very far away from this cash-burning nonsense.

Key findings

Related scamsChelsea Investments, NostraCapital, Infinity Capital, Wellington Holdings, YorkCG, Blueprint Capital, The Investment Center, and counting
JurisdictionCyprus, Serbia

Scam narrative

There is not much of a narrative around the Bitfinityfx scam. Like the other scams of the network (see above), new victims are acquired via boiler rooms and fraudulent marketing campaigns. Deposits can only be made after first contacting a boiler room agent.

Fake reviews

On Trustpilot, Bitfinityfx currently still has a 4.2-star rating with a corresponding “Great” trust level. A quick analysis of the 20 reviews submitted shows very quickly that these are probably fake ratings. All reviewers are first-time reviewers. Most likely they are the boiler room employees behind the Bitfinityfx scam.


  1. this is so correct. I was a victim of this scam by bitfinityfx and lost about 78000GBP. It’s sad how trust pilot is allowing this fake positive reviews stay to deceive people like me. I got help last month through plusrecoup dotcom. One of their experts Bruce was able to trace bitfinityfx and get my money back.


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