Sunday, December 22, 2024

Be Very Cautious: The G999 Blockchain-Based Cash System Of Josip Heit!

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In its whitepaper, G999 claims to be a blockchain-based peer-to-peer electronic cash system for fast payments with high transaction capacity. G999 is part of the group of the GSPartners Group of Josip Heit. It is operated by GSB Gold Standard Pay Ltd, registered as a financial services and crypto services provider in Kazakhstan. The G999 crypto storage services are provided by GSB Gold Standard Pay KB, Stockholm, Sweden. However, the very same website states that it does not offer financial services. Strange, indeed. Here is our first review:

Key Data

Trading namesG999
Business activityBlockchain-based payment system
Legal entitiesGSB Gold Standard Pay Ltd
GSB Gold Standard Pay KB
JurisdictionKazakhstan, Sweden
AuthorizationFinancial Services & Payment provider in Kazakhstan
Related schemesGold Standard (MLM scheme)
GSPartners (MLM operators)
Lydian.World (metaverse MLM)
Related individualsJosip Heit

Short Narrative

G999 crypto payment scheme

The description on the website of G999 is hardly understandable. It claims that G999 is operated on its own blockchain via Masternodes, through which the G999 coin (token) is mined. In connection with this, the G999 crypto card is offered, which is supposed to function as cold storage and for crypto payments.

The G999 coins (tokens) are used in the crypto-based MLM schemes of Josif Heit and his “Gold Standard” schemes for payment and investments. According to behindMLM, affiliates of the Gold Standard schemes were able to acquire the G999 hoping for future value increases. The G999 and Gold Standard reviews of behindMLM are very negative.

On Cryptocompare, the price of the G999 coin (token) has not moved for months. Likewise, there is no trading volume. Be very careful when involving with G999 and its connected schemes.

We recommend staying away from G999 and Gold Standard schemes. G999 should not be considered a “normal” payment processor anyway.

We recently reported that Jan MalkusCySEC-regulated BDSwiss acts as a “metabroker” for Josif Heit and his GSPartners‘ metaverse MLM Lydian.World (report here). The Metaverse is also seen as the next big thing by MLM masterminds like Heit.

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If you have any information about G999, Golden Standard, or Josip Heit, please let us know via our whistleblower system, Whistle42.