Monday, September 16, 2024

Attention! Many Fake Sites Republish FinTelegram Article To Gain Credibility!

Spread financial intelligence

FinTelegram has been in the market as a financial intelligence service for several years and has established a leading position in the segment of cyberfinance and cybercrime. We regularly warn about broker and investment scams and publish reports about various providers. An important role is played by our whistleblower system, Whistle42, through which we receive information from insiders and victims. More and more often, we are informed that other sites re-publish our articles and present them as their own content. For example, GlobalNews (here). These are fake sites used for illegal activities and are not affiliated with FinTelegram.

It is actually a great compliment to be cloned or have articles taken from other sites. However, in this case, it is done illegally without our consent. Most of these fake sites are built on the Blogger platform and only use a subdomain.

Report FinTelegram Fake Sites

We ask you to report such FinTelegram fake sites or name their operators if you know them.