Thursday, September 19, 2024


Spread financial intelligence

Well, we are just faced with an interesting situation. Anonymous scammers have sent out Emails to people around the Crypto42 Token Investment Summit 2018 scheduled for April 16, 2018, in Vienna. With their Emails, those anonymous people sent warnings about FinTelegram and its people and accused some other people of being involved in this project.

In their strange sounding warnings, the anonymous scammers informed the addressees about private details of some people related to our FinTelegram project such as the number of their kids, where the live and what they do (or not). They accused FinTelegram of being a project of personal revenge.

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Furthermore, the scammers argued that FinTelegram does not have income besides Google AdSense revenue. And, finally, they warned people to provide information to FinTelegram because the information may be used for publishing purposes. Yes, of course, we use information provided by our readers, whistleblowers, and friends to conduct our investigations and conduct our mission. I mean, we position FinTelegram as an instrument to fight scammers, fraudulent scheme operators, and bad actors. And we achieved quite something already.

We investigated and published the VELTYCO case and within just a few weeks VELTYCO changed its management and repositioned itself. We warned people about Cointed, and learned today that authorities are already investigating the case. I mean, it was our first month of operation, we have been in the “pre-launch” mode working on our business model and partnerships but nevertheless, we already had an impact on the market. This is what the Email action of the scammers finally proves besides the fact that more than 3,000 people visited our FinTelegram site March 6, 2018.

We feel a responsibility for our readers, and for investors and the market. Hence, we work hard to make the online-investment market a safer place. Hence, we promise you that we will not stop to do that just because some snipers fire at our project out of the dark side of the web. It’s exactly them we are aiming at. It’s exactly them that give the online-investment space a bad reputation.

That said, I would like to state that we feel honored to be the goal of those cowardly hidden snipers. It shows that we are doing our job. And, by the way, the Email campaign brought us additional awareness from important people. Something, those snipers have obviously not thought of.