Friday, September 20, 2024

BrokerZ and Globalix scams – 15 suspects arrested in Albania on German request!

Spread financial intelligence

According to Eurojust, law enforcement agents in Albania and Germany have taken down a scam broker network that defrauded victims, including many Germans, of at least several million euros. During an action day, 15 suspects were arrested and eight places were searched in Tirana, Albania. The arrested perpetrators operated boiler rooms in Albania that ran the scam broker brands BrokerZ and Globalix, which lured victims in Germany into investing in non-existent financial products that promised large benefits.

The cybercrime case

One of the principals and ring leaders of this scam broker network is under the arrested, Eurojust reports. During the searches in Albania, servers, various IT equipment, documents, and other related materials were seized. A German prosecutor, as well as law enforcement officers from Germany, participated in the action day in Albania. Eurojust assisted in the coordination of the cross-border judicial cooperation in this case, including support to execute the request for Mutual Legal Assistance from Germany to Albania.

Read more about the BrokerZ (here) and Globalix (here) scams.

The following law enforcement agencies took part in the operation:

  • Albania: Special Prosecution Office against Corruption and Organized Crime of Tirana; Unit “C” of the General Directorate of Albanian State Police
  • Germany: Bavarian Central Office for the Prosecution of Cybercrime at the Bamberg General PPO; Criminal Investigation Departments Bayreuth and Oberfranken

Background intel

Related scamsCFDS Market
Legal entitiesBrokerz Ltd (SVG)
GrouPolo Ltd (SVG)
All Media EOOD
Brokerz Biz EOOD
Payment facilitatorsPraxis Cashier (Cyprus)
Inout Capital LP (UK)
The Change Ltd (Malta)
Facilitating service providerClearsky Network
JurisdictionsSVG, Bulgaria
Related individualsAni Valchanova Rezhankova (Bulgaria)
Grigore Robert Antonesei (Romania)
Related law firmPorat Law
Nir Porat
Warnings FCA, FMA, ASIC, FSC Bulgaria

Share information for update

We plan to do more detailed update on this cybercrime case. If you have any information about BrokerZ, Globalix, or any other scams from this cybercrime organization, please share it with us through our whistleblower system, Whistle42.