Friday, September 20, 2024

BeforexCapital broker scam share boiler room with ProQuote27

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We already now know that scammers change their domains, websites, and legal entities more often than many households change their bed linen. The “Scam-as-a-Service” approach offered by the many white label providers, this is no problem either. The boiler rooms behind them usually remain the same. This is also the case with BeforexCapital which is connected to the ProQuote27 scam.

Another Wilfred Services entity

Confirmation email BeforexCapital and ProQuote27

Recently, we warned against the BeforexCapital broker scam and provided the educated guess that it is a “Scam-as-a-Service” white-label scam operated by boiler rooms that are also engaged in many other scams. And here is one of the other scams related to BeforexCapitalProQuote27 aka 27ProQuote.

The ProQuote27 ( scam is still online. According to its website, the scam is allegedly operated by Empire Capital LLC, registered in St. Vincent and the Grenadines. We already know the alleged address from many other scams:

Suite 305, Griffith Corporate Centre, Beachmont, P.O. Box 1510, Kingstown, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines. Yes, that’s right! It’s the well-known address of the notorious company builder Wilfred Services Ltd.

Payment Processor

As payment processor of ProQuote27, we discovered ApcoPay from APCO Systems Ltd, a payment processor registered in Malta with George Kakouras as its new Managing Director.

Interestingly, in the payment options menu, there is also a link to Edu4Traders ( operated by the UK registered Hunge Media Ltd which is probably connected to the scam. This company is currently managed and controlled by Jurijs Beinarovics from Latvia as the company’s sole shareholder.

Share information and protect investors

Have you got additional information on these scams, legal entities, or individuals? Please share them with our FinTelegram Research team in the very best interest of investor protection.


  1. Proquote is not only fraudulant scam, they are also shameless thiefs. I had »luck2 to get a broker Nicolas Demarest, who persuaded me to trade on their platdform . He pushed me to invest more and more, until I invested 32,500 Eur. Profit was quite good, but I suspect it was all only on demo account.
    At some point my broker Nicolas Demarest took almost all money from trading account and sent it on his account and then he forced me to put additionla money »in purpose to make some connection«, and when I refuse that, he stole my money (74,000Eur) from my PC via web bank with help of his companion Mike Wilson, who recorded some confirming video on my phone. Thats how he got password for steakling my money.
    »Broker« Nicolas Demarestand his firm 27Proquote stole 106,500 Eur from me and then just cease to answer to my demands for return my money. They are criminals worse type.


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